Last Updated: July 27, 2022

Popular Degree Programs in Germany

Germany is a study destination that offers quality education, high standards of living, and enough career opportunities in almost all fields of study. Students who wish to study in Germany can take up programs in business & management, engineering, law, medicine & dentistry, arts, humanities, etc., depending on their interests. One of the best things about choosing Germany is that one will be able to find programs that have an up-to-date curriculum within every field of study. The only drawback that one might have to face is the fact that programs here are offered either in English, German, or in a blended mode.

Students who are studying in Germany will have to pay a negligible amount as their tuition fee as long as they enroll in public universities. They will also have access to research education in most fields of study with that STEM programs being highly ranked internationally. The best programs that one can study in Germany include- Free Education in Germany

Medicine and Dentistry

Germany has over 76 universities offering programs in medicine and dentistry out of which over half of them are internationally acclaimed. These universities offer more than 200 English-taught programs in this field. The medical programs offered here have specific requirements from EU and non-EU candidates with around 137 programs being offered to EU candidates and only around 118 programs being offered to non-EU candidates.

Best Universities to Study Medicine in Germany

Students who wish to study medicine in Germany will be able to take a bachelor’s program in the field after which they will have to work as an assistant doctor for 2 years. Upon completing this, they will be able to take a medical specialization that takes 4 years as their master’s program if they wish to specialize in any field. A few of the best universities to study medicine in Germany include-

Best Universities to Study Dentistry in Germany

Candidates who take up dentistry will require 4 to 6 years for course completion after which they will have to take a specialist examination to practice as a dentist in the country. Candidates will be able to take a BDS or DPDS as their undergraduate and graduate program respectively with the latter providing them the opportunity to specialize in fields like oral maxillofacial surgery, periodontics, prosthodontics, etc. The best dental schools that one can study in include-


Germany is one of the countries that keep themselves updated in STEM research. It is also one of the places with universities that are internationally acclaimed for their engineering programs. Students will be able to take engineering programs at an undergraduate and graduate level here after which they will also have options for research within any specialization of their interest. There are almost 120,000 international students in this country pursuing a degree in engineering and it is considered to be the most popular program chosen by international candidates. A few of the best specializations one can choose in this field include-

Best Universities to Study Mechanical Engineering

This is the second-most popular program in Germany and is one of the most popular programs chosen by international students. Out of around 6,000 students who take up this program in the country every year, around 2,000 are international candidates. Mechanical engineering programs in Germany are generally taught in German but students will also be able to find English-taught programs for the same.

Best Universities to Study Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Germany is the third-best country in the world for studying electronics and electrical engineering with graduates being able to find ample job opportunities upon course completion. Students who take up an electrical/electronic engineering degree will be able to choose from one of the 78 universities that offer undergraduate and postgraduate degrees. Programs in electrical and electronic engineering include subjects like electricity, electromagnetism, etc. A few of the best universities to study electrical and electronic engineering include-

Best Universities to Study General Engineering

Candidates who wish to learn about engineering basics without specializing in one particular field of engineering will be able to take up general engineering. This general program will have subjects in the field of computation, electrical, mechanical, and even chemical. Students will be dealing with the design, conception, and creation of structures and systems. Most students who opt for general engineering programs take it as a professional course rather than a step toward research. A few of the best universities that offer general engineering programs include-

Best Universities to Study Biomedical Engineering

Candidates who take up biomedical engineering will be able to procure high-income jobs in Germany when compared to those who take up other specializations in the STEM field. This is mainly because the specialization is offered at a master’s level and because the projected growth of this field is estimated to be 4% until 2026. Candidates will not always find a master’s program in biomedical engineering but similar programs will be titled biomedical technologies, medical technologies, and even medical engineering. A few of the universities that offer this program are-

Best Universities to Study Automotive Engineering

Automotive engineering is one of the best specializations in engineering that one can take in Germany. Most universities provide only master’s programs in this subject for 3 to 4 semesters.

Best Universities to Study Computer Engineering

Students who wish to study computer science will be able to take undergraduate and graduate engineering programs in this field. They will be able to take up BSc programs in Computing, Software Engineering, Computer Science & Digitisation, etc. The degrees offered in computer science here are highly valued around the world and hence students will be able to get work opportunities at tech giants both inside and outside Germany. Most of the engineering programs offered in this field are taught in English. A few of the universities that offer programs in this field include-


Becoming a lawyer in Germany can be a tough task for candidates considering the number of years and work one has to put in for the same. But at the same time, students who commit themselves to this field of study will be able to work within one of the largest economies in the world. Studying law and getting admitted to the German Bar Association can take anywhere between 7 to 11 years in all considering the 6-year curriculum and 2 state exams that candidates are to pass along with the internships they have to complete for taking these examinations.

Best Universities to Study Law in Germany

A few of the best universities for studying law include-

Business and Management

Germany is one of those countries that have a highly developed economy and hence is considered to be one of the ideal locations to study programs for economics, management, and business. Being a regional leader in R&D investment, the country is one of the places that offer professional training through the many universities and business schools here. Students will also be able to get different work opportunities in this field upon completing their education. Having a degree in this field from Germany will allow candidates to be professionals that are sought-after by companies around the world and especially in EU countries.

Best Business Schools in Germany

MBA in Germany

Fashion Designing

Germany is considered to be one of the cheapest places to study fashion design without compromising on the quality of the education one receives. Students who take up a program here in fashion designing will be able to either study in one of the best 3 internationally acclaimed fashion design institutes in the world. The best programs offered in this field of study are at a master’s level with most programs also having a blend of business and management courses alongside that of fashion designing.

Best Universities for Fashion Designing

A few of the best universities in this field include-

Studying in Germany

Popular Programs in Germany

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