Last Updated: October 15, 2022

Study Medicine in Germany

Studying medicine in Germany is one of the most popular programs for international students. Candidates who wish to study medicine in the country will have to apply using a unique application procedure which includes meeting application requirements that are higher than required for other fields of study. Medical programs in Germany are taught only in English and hence candidates will require a certain level of proficiency in German if they wish to take up programs here.

Medical programs in Germany are not categorized into a regular bachelor's/master's degree structure. The degree structure it follows has a duration of 6 years and 3 months after which candidates are required to take a state examination to get the license to practice as a physician. There are 43 medical universities in the country out of which only 4 are privately managed. Though public medical schools are hard to get admission to, it is primarily tuition-free for all students making them one of the best affordable places to study medicine.

Benefits of Studying Medicine in Germany

Germany is one of those countries with the best healthcare systems in the world. They are especially known for not transferring patients to facilities in other countries owing to the presence of the best doctors and infrastructure within the system that can treat every patient in need. Studying medicine in Germany then provides candidates with the best opportunity to work with exceptional doctors and professors within the field. The country also offers students with hands-on experience early on in their academic years which will help them at the beginning of their careers.

A few other benefits of studying medicine in Germany include-

Eligibility Requirements for Medicine in Germany

The eligibility requirements for studying medicine in Germany are dependent on the university to which one is applying. It will also be dependent on the kind of medical program one is seeking to apply for. A few of the general eligibility requirements that one will have to meet while taking a medical program in the country include- While medical seats in Germany were completely rank and merit-based, now candidates will be able to apply to programs irrespective of their GPA standing. While a high GPA is still generally required, universities now also look at the personal essay, motivational factors, and resume of the candidate before admitting them into institutions.

Duration of Medical Programs in Germany

The duration of medical programs in Germany is different from that of other programs. This is because medical degrees do not follow a bachelor's or master's degree structure. The complete duration of a medical degree is 6 years and 3 months here which can be divided into different stages. These stages are-
Stage of StudyDuration
Stage 1: Pre-Clinical2 years of theoretical study
Stage 2: Clinical Stage3 years of practical and theory
Stage 3: Practical Year 1 year-Practice at a German Hospital/Clinic
Stage 4: Final Clinical Year State Examination

Cost of Studying Medicine in Germany

The cost of studying medicine in Germany is dependent on the type of institution one applies to. Since most medical schools here are publicly funded, candidates will find that they are not required to pay any tuition fee irrespective of their nationality. But this does not include the administrative fee that one will have to pay on a semester basis. This amount is around €250 per semester and will cover both administrative and enrollment costs. The only exception to this is in Baden-Wurttemberg where candidates are required to pay around €3,000 per year if they are non-EU nationals.

The private universities here are allowed to have a tuition fee based on their discretion. This implies that the fee here is considerably higher than that in other universities. The fee here ranges from €5,700 to €15,500 per semester.

Top Universities for Medicine in Germany

The best medical schools in Germany are-

Top Medical Programs in Germany

MedicineHeidelberg UniversityBaden-Wurttemberg
Model Degree Program of MedicineRwth-Aachen UniversityNorth Rhine-Westphalia
MedicineLubeck UniversitySchleswig-Holstein
Model Medical CourseWitten/Herdecke UniversityNorth Rhine-Westphalia
Human MedicineMagdeburg UniversitySaxony-Anhalt
MedicineMunster UniversityNorth Rhine-Westphalia
Human MedicineWurzburg UniversityBavaria
MedicineTubingen UniversityBaden-Wurttemberg

Medicine-Heidelberg University

This is one of the oldest medical institutions in the country and it offers opportunities for both professional study and research in the field. The duration of the medical program offered is 6 years and 3 months at least and is dependent on the student. This is split into training phases called preclinical study, clinical study, and practice year. After the practice year, the student will be able to take a state examination that provides them the license to practice.

Model Degree Program of Medicine-Rwth Aachen

This program is different from conventional medical programs in the country since here preclinical studies are combined with clinical studies throughout the program instead of focusing only on the preclinical for the initial 2 years. The subjects here are not taught separately and focus mainly on the organs. There are 10 semesters of study after which candidates will be able to complete a practical year in a hospital setting under supervision. Candidates are also required to do block internships as part of the program.

Medicine-Lubeck University

This program has been ranked as one of the best in the country for the 4th consecutive year. The program is taught only in German and candidates are required to have a high proficiency in the same especially if they are international students. The curriculum offered follows the traditional model with preclinical, clinal, and practical years. The factors like communication, prevention, and emergency medical care have all been integrated well into the program which makes it a research-oriented medical degree.

Model Medical Course-Witten/Herdecke University

The program offered here is by the department of human medicine and includes the preparation for the state examination one has to take upon course completion. It focuses on problem-oriented learning and candidates will be able to replace the first 3 state examinations with the internal equivalence examinations and oral practical examinations that are taken as part of the program. These assessments will be based on patient case histories. It follows a traditional model of medical education with the clinical section and practical block lessons being offered at the clinics that have cooperated with the institution.

Human Medicine-Magdeburg University

This is one of the youngest universities to offer medical education in the country. Candidates who have enrolled in this program will be learning about human medicine through case studies and problem-oriented courses. They will be trained in the field and at the same time, they will be given the opportunity to self-study to improve themselves. They will have 8 cross-sectional areas to learn about apart from the core curriculum. For the practical year, they will be able to learn about internal medicine, surgery, general medicine, or other specialties based on their interest.

Medicine-Munster University

This is one of the institutions that begin their medical programs in the summer semester and candidates will have to go through a Munster Study Ability Test to gain admission along with factors like a high GPA and impressive credentials. The program follows the traditional 6-year model and candidates will be learning through regular evaluations, informal exchanges, etc. as part of the program. They will also have to challenge themselves within the outpatient clinic during their practical year to complete the program.

Human Medicine- Wurzburg University

This program follows a traditional 6-year model of study and candidates will have to complete their preclinical, clinical, and practical year to take the state examination. Candidates will have to take longitudinal programs along with the core subjects. These include epidemiology, medical psychology, anatomy, etc.

Medicine- Tubingen University

The program offered at this university is student-oriented and practice-based. Since it is one of the oldest and leading medical universities in the country, candidates will be able to delve into internationally acclaimed research topics. The longitudinal curriculum in this program deals with everyday practice dealing with over 150 medical skills.

Career Options in Germany

The demand for doctors in the country is expected to increase in the coming years. Around 56,000 foreign doctors are working in the country as of now. Out of these, more than 32,000 doctors are from non-EU countries.

Candidates who have completed a degree in medicine from the country can work in clinics, medical practices, and centers. They will also be able to do medical research or take up teaching as a profession. A few other fields they can work in include public health or administration, medical technology, medical informatics, medical physics, medical journalism, etc.

Studying in Germany

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