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Universities in Hungary

The decline of population in Hungary since 1981 has opened the door for international students to reside and pursue their higher education in this country. Most of the international students come to pursue a full-time degree in medical programs, as Hungary is well known for its medical schools.

And presently, around 20% of the total students in Hungary universities are from foreign countries. The majority of international students come mainly from Europe accounting to 79% of total foreign students. The rest of them come from Asia (16%), North America (3%), and Africa (2%).

Top universities in Hungary

Admission procedure

You do not require giving any special admission tests for getting admission into the Hungarian universities. The only requirement is the proof of proficiency in the English language if you are taking up a course in English. This can include presenting the score of internationally approved examinations like TOEFL or else you need to clear the proficiency tests by the universities during the initial period of your course.

Cost of Studying

The tuition fees in most of the universities in Hungary ranges from ~1000 to 3000 Euros per year, with that there is also a separate registration fee for any course you take that ranges from ~40 to 700 Euros. The cost of living is rather substantial in Hungary, with the cost of accommodation, food, books, entertainment allowance, etc. everything can be done under the range of ~500 to 550 Euros per month.


The Hungarian Ministry of Education and Culture provides scholarships to the international students through Hungarian Scholarship Board Office. Scholarships are awarded under bilateral systems as well as scholarship pool systems.

Various kinds of scholarships provided in Hungary to international students are as follows:

Studying in Europe

Top Programs in Europe

Countries to Study in Europe

| Austria-Austria | Belgium | Czech -Checa | Denmark-Dinamarca | Estonia | Finland-Finlandia | France-Francia | Germany-Alemania | Greece-Grecia | Hungary | Ireland-Irlanda | Italy-Italia | Netherlands-Holland | Norway-Noruega | Poland-Polonia | Russia | Scotland | Spain | Sweden | Switzerland | Turkey | Ukraine | UK

Summer Programs in Europe

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