Last Updated: November 07, 2021

Study in Graz

Graz is the second-largest city in Austria and is located in the southeastern part of the country. Though the city might not turn up as the best place to visit as a tourist list, it is one of the best places to live in if the person is used to city life. The size of the city and the estimated 300,000 population in the city makes it perfect enough to not seem crowded while at the same time letting people travel from one end of the city to another without too much time.

The city has its share of popular places to visit and has most of its foreign population as the students that come to Graz as Erasmus scholars. The other people who come to stay in the city mostly seek the multiple job opportunities that the city provides. The city is one of the IT hubs in Austria and has both IT giants and small startups in plenty which provide fresh graduates and experienced workers with ample job opportunities. The city is considerably quiet and is also considered to be a safe city for international students.

Benefits of Studying in Graz

Candidates who wish to study in Graz will find that a majority of the population in the city is that of students mainly due to the city being a university city. Living in the city provides candidates with opportunities that can help them excel both in their academic life and work life. This is because the city not only contains a few many universities but because it is also an IT hub that provides plenty of job opportunities. A few of the benefits of being a student in this city are-

Places to Live in Graz

Since Graz is considered to be a university city, the place has an overwhelming student population living in and around the universities. The areas where students flock together to live often have cheaper accommodation and more entertainment options which are easily accessible to students of varying interests. A few of the places that students stay in Graz are-

Cost of Living in Graz

The cost of living in Graz is estimated to be around €900 for a single person without accounting for accommodation expenses. The city is affordable to live in when compared to other cities in Europe though candidates will have to spend an amount twice that of normal accommodation expenses on groceries and other utilities.

Accommodation and Utility Expenses

Candidates who are studying in Graz will be able to live in OeAD Student Housing accommodations. They offer budget-friendly options that students can afford and also come in fully-furnished setups which save a lot of money for international candidates. Other candidates choose to stay in shared apartments which they will be able to get for an amount between €300 to €450 per month depending on the locality they have chosen.

They will also have the option of staying in dormitories which are available in plenty considering the number of universities in Graz. It is one of the most common options for international students. Utility expenses come around to almost €250 a month.

Grocery Expenses

The grocery expenses that candidates will have while staying in Graz is not too different from the rest of Austria though items can be purchased for cheaper rates if one lives far from the cities. The price for basic grocery items is-

Transportation Expenses

Candidates will be able to save a lot of money on transportation since the most common and popular mode of transportation is using bikes. Residents of the city mostly do not even purchase vehicles since it is easier to get around on the bikes they own.

Popular Programs in Graz

Graz is known best for the programs they offer in arts and humanities. But at the same time, a few other programs are popular in the city. These are-

Top Universities in Graz

The top universities in Graz are-

University of Graz

This public university was established in the year 1585 and is the second-oldest university in the country. The university has a student population of over 30,000 and around 2,600 academic staff. They offer undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degrees and are known for their programs in arts, humanities, law, etc. Other faculties include languages and literature, natural sciences, education, habitat earth, sports sciences, economy, religion, historical studies, etc.

Graz University of Technology

This university was established in the year 1811 and is a public university for technology. It is one of the oldest science and technology research institutes in the country that provides undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs to both domestic and international candidates. They have seven faculties in all which are architecture, electrical engineering and information technology, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and economics, computer science and biomedical engineering, etc. The university has a student population of over 13,000 and over 1,800 academic staff.

Medical University of Graz

This university was established in the year 1863 and was transformed into an independent university in 2004. It has a student population of over 4,000. The university offers degree programs in medicine, dentistry, nursing science, and interprofessional health care studies. It also provides doctoral programs in research areas like biomolecular structures, immune modulation, inflammatory diseases, molecular medicine and inflammation, dentistry and maxillofacial surgery, etc.

University of Music and Performing Arts, Graz

This university was established in the year 1963 and is also known as the Kunstuniversitat Graz. It is one of the oldest universities for music in the country. It offers undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs in fields like composition and music theory, computer music and sound art, conducting, choral conducting, instrumental studies, etc. The doctoral programs are for artistic research and scholarly doctoral studies in fields like ethnomusicology, jazz, and popular music research, women’s studies, sound and music computing, etc.

FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences

This university was established in the year 1995 and has a student population of around 5,000. They have over 700 academic staff. They offer undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral programs in fields like technology, design, architecture, media, etc. Other programs they offer are in subjects like IT architecture, mobile security, data and information science, health care and hospital management, etc. The doctoral programs are offered in topics like building, design, energy, health, mobility, information technology, etc.

Entertainment Options in Graz

Candidates who are studying in Graz will be able to explore the different tourist attractions in the city and also easily travel outside the city due to the excellent transportation facilities available in the city. One of the best things about the city is that the residents rely on bikes than vehicles making the air quality great and ideal for people to remain out of doors for long hours. Candidates will also be able to tour the city at their leisure without having to worry about getting stuck in traffic.

Since the city is a university hub, candidates will be able to explore the local cuisine of the place at affordable rates. They will also be able to visit the opera, go to museums, visit churches, and relax in the different cafes located within the city.

Places to Visit in Graz

Graz is a relatively small city when compared to other cities in Europe and even in Austria. But at the same time, the city has plenty of museums, gardens, parks, and other sites that candidates will be able to visit and explore during their stay in the city. A few of the must-see places in the city are-

Things to Do in Graz

Graz offers candidates with various activities that they can do during their stay including visiting the exotic and culturally rich places in the city to exploring the historical locations. The place also offers candidates entertainment options like the opera where they will be able to see performances in the fields of dance, music, and theatre depending on their interest. Though the city is small in size, it allows candidates the opportunity of learning every part of the city from the old towns to the urban areas during their stay.

A few of the must-do things in the city of Graz are-

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